Sfoglia Prodotti e Servizi
Hosting Root-Server
Intel Xeon E3-1240 V5
16GB to 512GB RegECC RAM
256 GB SSD NVMe to 18TB HDD
50TB Fair-Use Traffic
1x DDOS Protected IP-Address
DDoS Protection
Can be individually configured as desired
Upgrades possible at any time
No minimum contract period
Intel Xeon E5-1650 V4
16GB to 512GB RegECC RAM
256 GB SSD NVMe to 18TB HDD
50TB Fair-Use Traffic
1x DDOS Protected IP-Address
DDoS Protection
Can be individually configured as desired
Upgrades possible at any time
No minimum contract period
AMD Epyc 7401P
16GB to 512GB RegECC RAM
256 GB SSD NVMe to 18TB HDD
50TB Fair-Use Traffic
1x DDOS Protected IP-Address
DDoS Protection
Can be individually configured as desired
Upgrades possible at any time
No minimum contract period
AMD Epyc 7551P
16GB to 512GB RegECC RAM
256 GB SSD NVMe to 18TB HDD
50TB Fair-Use Traffic
1x DDOS Protected IP-Address
DDoS Protection
Can be individually configured as desired
Upgrades possible at any time
No minimum contract period
AMD Epyc 7402P
16GB to 512GB RegECC RAM
256 GB SSD NVMe to 18TB HDD
50TB Fair-Use Traffic
1x DDOS Protected IP-Address
DDoS Protection
Can be individually configured as desired
Upgrades possible at any time
No minimum contract period
AMD Epyc 7502P
16GB to 512GB RegECC RAM
256 GB SSD NVMe to 18TB HDD
50TB Fair-Use Traffic
1x DDOS Protected IP-Address
DDoS Protection
Can be individually configured as desired
Upgrades possible at any time
No minimum contract period
AMD Epyc 7443P
16GB to 512GB RegECC RAM
256 GB SSD NVMe to 18TB HDD
50TB Fair-Use Traffic
1x DDOS Protected IP-Address
DDoS Protection
Can be individually configured as desired
Upgrades possible at any time
No minimum contract period
AMD Epyc 7543
16GB to 512GB RegECC RAM
256 GB SSD NVMe to 18TB HDD
50TB Fair-Use Traffic
1x DDOS Protected IP-Address
DDoS Protection
Can be individually configured as desired
Upgrades possible at any time
No minimum contract period
AMD Epyc 7742
16GB to 512GB RegECC RAM
256 GB SSD NVMe to 18TB HDD
50TB Fair-Use Traffic
1x DDOS Protected IP-Address
DDoS Protection
Can be individually configured as desired
Upgrades possible at any time
No minimum contract period
is rated Excellent
4.89 out of 5 based on 3,432 reviews
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